1. Arduino or Respberry Pi for IoT Project

    IoT devices are basically smart devices which have support for internet connectivity and are able to interact with the other devices over the internet an...

    2022/05/01 iot arduino respberry-pi

  2. The Most Common Authentication Methods

    As internet technology has evolved, there are a lot of different methods to authenticate people and validate their identities. These include both general...

    2022/07/01 web auth

  3. The Basic Authentication

    This article defines the Basic Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) authentication scheme, which transmits credentials as user-id/password pairs, encoded u...

    2022/07/03 web auth

  4. The Digest Authentication

    Digest authentication is another authentication type specified in HTTP 1.1. Unlike basic authentication, digest authentication does not require the passw...

    2022/07/05 web auth

  5. Common Web Application Vulnerabilities

    Most modern applications require individuals to verify their identity. Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of an individual. A user c...

    2022/07/29 web auth

  6. Two Factor Authentication

    Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A...

    2022/08/06 web auth

  7. Multi Factor Authentication

    Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A...

    2022/08/08 web auth

  8. Token Authentication

    Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A...

    2022/08/10 web auth

  9. Biometric Authentication

    Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A...

    2022/08/12 web auth

  10. Transaction Authentication

    Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A...

    2022/08/14 web auth

  11. Computer Recognition Authentication

    Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A...

    2022/08/16 web auth

  12. Captcha Authentication

    Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A...

    2022/08/18 web auth

  13. Single On Authentication

    Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A...

    2022/08/20 web auth

  14. Spring Boot Security

    Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A...

    2022/08/22 web auth

  15. The Common Types of Cyber Threats

    Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A...

    2022/08/24 web auth

  16. How Does Antivirus Work

    Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A...

    2022/08/26 web auth

  17. Malware-Spyware-Phishing

    Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A...

    2022/08/28 cyber

  18. Anti-Spyware Software

    Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A...

    2022/08/30 cyber

  19. Anti-Spyware Software

    Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A...

    2022/09/02 cyber

  20. Firewall History

    Like Basic Access Authentication, the Digest scheme is based on a simple challenge-response paradigm. The Digest scheme challenges using a nonce value. A...

    2022/09/05 cyber